Course Catalog
For the most up-to-date information, check out our upcoming events here.
Our enriching classes, which span a variety of subjects, meet weekly in small group settings. Ranging from 3 to 16 weeks, these classes cover essential topics like systematic theology, overviews of the Old and New Testaments, biblical theology, and much more.
The Acts class is meant to give you a broader picture of God’s story and how our lives fit into it. Through studying the book of Acts, we get to see how the Holy Spirit works through prayer, strategy, wisdom, gifting, opportunities, church planting, the nations, and all that God gives us!
Class Length: 16 Weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Every other fall semester
Prerequisites: Old Testament & New Testament
Biblical Theology
The goals of this class are:
1) Learn how the practice of biblical theology has developed throughout history, from the early church to modern day, and to understand it in relation to other theological disciplines (e.g. systematic theology).
2) Gain experience in using Scripture to interpret itself, moving past the limitations of grammatico-historical interpretive theory (issues surrounding genre type, original historical context, authorial intent, etc.).
3) Practice reading the Bible from a gospel-centered perspective and equip the student for a lifetime of rewarding Bible study.
Class Length: 10 Weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Every spring semester
Prerequisites: None
Christian History
This course will familiarize students with major developments in Christianity from the first century to the present. In particular, we will examine: the patristic period; the ecumenical councils; the development of a cultural and theological synthesis of the middle ages; the precursors, content, and personalities of the Protestant Reformation; the contributions of classical Protestant orthodoxy and subsequent rise of denominations; the rise of secularism and the Enlightenment; awakenings, revivals and missionary expansion; and modern theological trends. We will also examine an historical survey from a different church perspective.
Class Length: 16 Weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Every other fall semester
Prerequisites: None
Communicating God’s Word
In 2 Corinthians 5:20, Paul teaches us that as followers of Christ, we are called to be his “ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal though us.” In this course, designed for those who will spend significant time in their ministry communicating God’s word, we aim to make each person more effective communicators of God’s word, no matter what your vocational calling will be. We aim to do this by helping each person understand teaching and preaching methodology to utilize it in their ministry of being His ambassador. This class consists of learning about how to communicate God’s word effectively for half of the course, and then the other half is lab based where we will be learning by preparing, delivering and receiving feedback on live teaching sessions.
Class Length: 16 Weeks
Pillar: Ministry Skills
Recurrence: Every other spring semester
Prerequisites: Old Testament, New Testament, Systematic Series, Interpreting Scripture
End Times
Since the first century, all Christians have agreed that the Messiah will return, but they have not all agreed on how and what this will look like. In this four-week class, we will discuss the “Meaning of the Millennium.” Pastor Brian will discuss at length the four major views of the millennium; Postmillennialism, Amillennialism, Historic Premillennialism, and Dispensational Premillennialism – giving equal time and discussion to each position and leave it to you to decide which one you think lines up best with The Story of the Bible.
We will take time to not only discuss what these doctrines mean but also examine the personal and societal implications (good and bad) of holding any of these positions.
Class Length: 4 Weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: As-Offered
Prerequisites: None
Heaven & Hell
While every Christian believes in Heaven, not everyone knows what to look forward to let alone expect. If we gave 30 Christians a 3×5 card to write down what heaven will be like, most likely, no two of them would be the same. “I think I heard something about a mansion?”, “For sure the streets are made of gold right?” “I heard we get wings like angels.” And on and on those comments would continue. So this class will look at what the Bible has to say about eternity, versus popular culture.
Likewise, one of the most difficult concepts of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus is this idea of Hell, or final retribution. It’s difficult to talk about simply because we all have friends and family who were not Christians die in our lifetimes. So, is this a literal place of fire and smoke? Do souls get annihilated after death? This class will examine four of the most popular views in contemporary Christianity filtered through what the Bible teaches about the doctrine of hell and ultimately how Jesus will make everything wrong become untrue, including suffering and death.
Class Length: 4 Weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: As-Offered
Prerequisites: None
Interpreting Scripture
This class covers interpretation theory with a heavy emphasis on accurately and practically exegeting the biblical text to discover meaning and application. Learning objectives include:
1) Helping participants understand how the practice of biblical theology has developed throughout history from the early church to modern day, and to understand it in relation to other theological disciplines like systematics and apologetics.
2) Allow students to build upon the foundation of basic grammatico-historical hermeneutics (i.e., issues surrounding genre, original historical context, authorial intent, etc.), and gain experience in using Scripture to interpret Scripture.
3) Help students develop the skill of reading and interpreting the Bible from a gospel-centered perspective along with understanding how biblical theology fits within church leadership.
Class Length: 16 Weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Every Other fall semester
Prerequisites: Old Testament, New Testament, Systematic Series
Law & Gospel
The crystal clear difference between a wage and a gift rests at the very heart of the story of the Bible and therefore reality itself.
It’s obligation and freedom, judgment and mercy, works and grace, law and gospel. The two are oil and water — not meant to be blended, nor one in the same, but two separate entities.
In this class, we’ll look into the ways the law and the gospel furnish our daily lives and how distinguishing the two leads to more self-forgetfulness, humor, compassion, real rest and satisfaction in our relationship with God and other people (especially those “difficult” people).
It’s been said that the distinction between law and gospel is the highest art in Christendom — let’s enjoy this art together.
Class Length: 4 Weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking & Christ-like Character
Recurrence: Every fall semester
Prerequisites: None
Ministerial Character
This class aims to take what was learned in Ministerial Realities and personally apply the Gospel and Jesus’ lordship to all arenas of the individual’s life as they consider church roles of leadership. As God is faithful to identify certain areas in need of attention, this class invites the minister to set the Spirit against the flesh so that elder and deacon quality character is evidenced in every sphere of life. This class will also include a discussion of roles and responsibilities of church leadership in preparation for Ministerial Leadership.
Class Length: 4 class meetings over 16 weeks
Pillar: Christ-like Character
Recurrence: Every other fall semester
Prerequisites: Ministry 101, Ministerial Realities
Ministerial Leadership
This course will familiarize students with the skills, principles, and tools that are required of those in vocational ministry as they shepherd God’s flock. Attention will be given to ministry skill development, practical leadership and management skills, and casting vision as they relate to carrying out ministry that glorifies God, loves his church, and blesses those in ministry themselves. While this class will involve a fair amount of ministry practice, right thinking and healthy affection (i.e. head and heart) should not be overlooked in the process of gaining skillful competence.
Class Length: 16 weeks
Pillar: Ministry Skills, Christ-like Character
Recurrence: Every other spring semester
Prerequisites: Ministry 101
Ministerial Realities
The aim of this class is for you to develop a better understanding of godly, balanced life and vocational ministry and to develop a realistic outlook for successful personal faith, future ministry, and family life. In other words, how can you begin now to prepare for and work towards a manner of life and ministry that will enable you to endure for a lifetime
Class Length: 16 weeks
Pillar: Ministry Skills, Christ-like Character
Recurrence: Every other spring semester
Prerequisites: Ministry 101
Ministry 101
Learn skills and concepts that can begin to develop the character necessary for a life of faithful Christian leadership. Through the materials, instruction and open dialogue with one another, our hope is that you will gain a better understanding of Christ like character, who you are and your character qualities and how to serve and minister to others well. Developing skills and healthy Biblical perspective to help you embrace the Gospel and seek after Christ in all things for your whole life. Opened to being challenged in personal character qualities and attributes, while seeking to grow more like Christ. Learn how to engage in healthy, God-honoring relationship (especially in the areas of communication, conflict, and boundaries with others).
Class Length: 16 weeks
Pillar: Ministry Skills, Christ-like Character
Recurrence: Every other spring semester
Prerequisites: None
New Testament
In this class, participants will grow in identifying pictures of Jesus, his gospel, and the movement of the Spirit in the New Testament and the ways those pictures impact day-to-day actions and worship of God. They will continue to grow in their hermeneutical approach of seeing entire Scriptures as a unified whole where the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus serve as the principal interpretive motif as well as demonstrate knowledge of the major section(s) and theme(s) within each New Testament book and how each book and its contents relate to the rest of the Biblical story, including the Old Testament.
Class Length: 16 weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Every spring semester
Prerequisites: Old Testament
Old Testament
In this survey of the Old Testament, participants will get the joy of reading the greatest story ever told — the account of God’s work in the world as recorded in the pages of the Bible. Students will develop an appropriate hermeneutic for relating the Old Testament to the Gospel, identify major attributes of God as revealed in the Old Testament, and how each book and its contents relate to the rest of the Biblical story, including the New Testament.
Class Length: 16 weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Every fall semester
Prerequisites: None
There are a wide variety of backgrounds & experiences that people come from when they enter into SHAPE class, yet discipleship is a lifelong process of learning and discovery regardless of someone’s past. We hope that SHAPE helps each person better understand themselves so that they can find productive and satisfying places to serve within the body of Christ. SHAPE class will help you: gain awareness of your Values to live them out for the common good, learn your Spiritual Gifts to build-up the body of Christ, know what your Heart beats for (passions) to exercise it for God’s kingdom, discover your Abilities (strengths) to channel them in love toward others, understand your Personality to relate well with & appreciate all image-bearers, reflect on your Experiences to see how they’ve shaped you & may benefit others.
Class Length: 6 weeks
Pillar: Ministry Skills
Recurrence: Every other fall semester
Prerequisites: None
Systematic Theology
This year the Systematic Theology class takes place over the course of 4 separate 5 week sessions (listed below). Students can choose to register for one, two, three sessions or the entire year of classes and these do not have to be taken in chronological order. We will cover four major sections of Theology, God & His Word, Humanity & The Plan of Redemption, Jesus & Salvation, and The Holy Spirit, The Church, & The Future.
To paraphrase the hymn, (Highlands) Song of Ascent, God is the “Summit where our feet are.” But life doesn’t always feel that way. We don’t always feel like we have solid footing in life or in our Christian journey. Systematic Theology class uniquely provides a foundational understanding of God as we learn doctrines which can equip and uphold us through the ups and downs of the life of faith. In this class, we do this by studying the “big words” of Theology and making them accessible, real, and practical in our lives.
Systematic Theology 1: God & His Word
Who is God and how do we know Him? Systematic Theology offers students a chance to find those answers as we look at a myriad of topics about God, Jesus, and the Church. This class takes place over two semesters and equips students with foundational theological knowledge that will help them know and relate to God for the rest of their lives. In the class we look at these beautiful doctrines and consider ways that these Biblical teachings impact our head, our heart, and our hands.
Class Length: 5 weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Every fall semester
Prerequisites: None
Systematic Theology 2: Humanity & God’s Plan of Redemption
The Humanity & God’s Plan of Redemption session of the Systematic Theology Class is for students who want to know how the Bible sees the biggest problems in our world today, and what God intends to do about them. This class looks at the bad news of why humanity keeps taking one step forward and two steps back. And yet, the story doesn’t end with futility and failure. This class will help us see how God is our good Creator who has a beautiful plan of redemption that does away with our greatest enemies, sin and death.
Class Length: 5 weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Every fall semester
Prerequisites: None
Systematic Theology 3: Jesus & Salvation
Why do some people you meet seem to be so unbelievably humble? They didn’t make themselves that way, but instead have come to see Jesus as the hero of their story. The Jesus & Salvation session of Systematic Theology class is for students who want to learn more about the person of Jesus, what his work has accomplished on their behalf, and what it means for them in their daily lives to know the Savior who truly changes everything.
Class Length: 5 weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Every spring semester
Prerequisites: None
Systematic Theology 4: The Holy Spirit, the Church, & the Future
The Holy Spirit, The Church, & the Future session of the Systematic Theology class is for anyone who wants to know the exact date when Jesus is coming back. Wait, no! Instead, this class will teach students how the Holy Spirit and the Church help us remain connected to Christ until the day he makes all things new. This class will help students gain an understanding of the mysterious Holy Spirit, the very real people in front of them in their church family, and the glory of the New Creation that God has in store for us.
Class Length: 5 weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Every spring semester
Prerequisites: None
A Secular Age: The Necessity and Complexity of Belief in the Modern World
Drawing on Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age, this short course explores how our disenchanted world is reshaping faith and meaning, why belief in God is no longer assumed, and how the constraints of modern life reduce our ability to encounter transcendence. By grasping these complexities, we can better articulate the gospel in a way that resonates deeply in a pluralistic, skeptical culture while sustaining a vibrant personal faith amidst competing narratives.
Seminar Series Length: 4 Weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: As-offered
Prerequisites: None
Views of Creation
Does the Bible actually teach us how we got here and how old the earth is? Does Genesis say anything to help us answer those questions? Join me for four weeks as we take a deep dive into three primary views of creation with a fourth week of discussion and asking practical questions to help us understand how a proper view of creation can lead us to worship the God who created us more.
Seminar Series Length: 4 Weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: As-offered
Prerequisites: None
Know Thy Self (& Others)
We’ll explore what makes your life calling special, learn about strength-based leadership, and discover how to care for our amazing volunteers with intention. Plus, we’ll take a deep dive into the Enneagram, giving you a chance to learn more about yourself in a lively and interactive way. By understanding your own strengths and personality, you’ll be better equipped to support and love others, all while reflecting Christ in your leadership and relationships.
Seminar Series Length: 4 Weeks
Pillar: Christ-Like Character
Recurrence: As-offered
Prerequisites: None
The Trinity: Engaging the Mystery
The Trinity: Engaging the Mystery is a class that exists to make this sweet Christian doctrine of our Triune God more apparent, tangible, and personal in our lives and ministry. In this four week class, we will engage the mystery of who our God is in the Three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and why that is so mind blowingly beautiful and significant.
Class Length: 4 weeks
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: As-offered
Prerequisites: None