For the most up-to-date information, check out our upcoming events here.
Engage with faith and real life at our seminars! These are unique, one-time events designed to bring together individuals who are eager to explore topics that impact the church, our personal journeys, and the culture around us.
To live in this world is to experience conflict. Whether it’s with our family, coworkers, roommates, or that person on social media, we all have people who are difficult to understand and be around. Join us for an afternoon where you will participate in activities and workshop ideas for incorporating the Gospel in the way we deal with conflict. Lunch is included wth registration!
Seminar Length: 4 Hours
Pillar: Ministry Skills/Christ-like Character
Recurrence: As-offered
Prerequisites: None
Pillar: Ministry Skills/Christ-like Character
Recurrence: As-offered
Prerequisites: None
Caring for Others
Caring for Others teaches the basics of caring for hurting people, including knowing what you bring to the table, listening, asking good questions, boundaries and practical ways to get involved in the lives of people God has put in your life. During the session, there will be delivery of content, reflection time and scenario work with other participants.
Seminar Length: 6 Hours
Pillar: Ministry Skills
Recurrence: Every August
Prerequisites: None
How can I be a faithful and accurate steward of the Holy Scriptures in light of what the Scriptures teach about studying Scripture? The Hermeneutics seminar focuses on the Big Idea of Scripture. In this class we look at key terms, important biblical interpretation principles, the storyline of Scripture, and seeing Jesus in all of the Bible.
Seminar Length: 8 Hours
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Each August
Prerequisites: None
Turn up the Jesus
What if our Bible application was about Jesus and not us? This seminar will provide a refreshing approach to applying the Bible to our lives that taps into spiritual power by taking the focus off of ourselves and putting it on to Christ.This seminar is for people who are feeling stuck and stale in their Bible reading, are becoming increasingly frustrated by their ongoing struggles, and need hope and refreshment. In this seminar, we will consider a Christ-centered theory of change, learn more about reading the bible in context, and understand how worshiping Jesus in his beauty is the key to seeing God work in our lives.
Seminar Length: 2.5 Hours
Pillar: Biblical Thinking
Recurrence: Once
Prerequisites: None
World Religions
In this four-part Seminar Series, we will take time to learn about some of the worldviews that come with different religions. Our aim is to better understand people with different views of creation, suffering, human imperfection, enlightenment, and ultimately learn how to understand someone’s view of Jesus. We will do this through readings, discussion, and field trips to meet people participating in these religions. Each day will be divided into time to learn, meet others, and reflect on our experience.
Participants should have an understanding of the gospel, be able to listen well, and come ready to discuss each day.
Seminar Series Length: Four Sessions (One day per session)
Pillar: Ministry Skills
Recurrence: Every other year
Prerequisites: None
Pillar: Ministry Skills
Recurrence: Every other year
Prerequisites: None